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There are many kinds of green tea produced in Japan. Japanese teas are generally classified according to their type of cultivation, processing method and regional origin.

The fermentation of leaves involve the work of oxidation enzymes in the fresh leaves and it differs from the fermentation that occurs. Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Black Tea are all made from the same tea plant, and they are different only in the way it is produced. Green tea is the main type of tea that is produced and consumed in Japan.

Most Commonly Known Japanese Tea Type Sen-cha: 煎茶 Matcha: 抹茶 Ryoku-cha (Row Green Tea): 緑茶 Cha (or ocha): 茶 (お茶) Gyokuro: 玉露

Tea Type Based on Part of Tea Plant Mecha : 芽茶 Kuki-cha (Twig Tea): 茎茶 Aracha (Crude Tea) : 荒茶

Tea Type Based on Covering Process Gyokuro: 玉露 tamaryokucha: 玉緑茶 Kabuse-cha (Covered Green Tea):被せ茶 Tencha : 碾茶 Koicha : 濃茶 Usucha : 薄茶


Tea Type Based on Season of Crop Ichiban-cha (First Crop Tea):一番茶 Shin-cha: 新茶 Niban-cha: 二番茶 Sanban-cha: 三番茶 Bancha (Coarse Tea): 番茶

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Tea Type of Powder Tea Kona-cha : 粉茶 Funmatsucha:粉末茶

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Tea Type Based on Length of Steaming Fukamushi-cha (Deep Steam Tea): 深蒸し茶 Asamushi-cha (Light Steam Tea): 浅蒸し茶 Futsumuch or Namamushi (Medium Steamed Tea): 普通蒸し、中蒸し


Tea Type Based on Oxidisation Level Pu-Erh Tea (Microbial fermentation tea): プーアル茶 Oolong cha: 烏龍茶 Black Tea: 紅茶

Tea Type Based on Location of Farm Uji Cha :宇治茶 Shizuoka Cha:静岡茶 Kawane Cha : 川根茶 Kagoshima Cha:鹿児島茶 Ise Cha: 伊勢茶 Sayamacha:狭山茶 Minou-cha :美濃茶

Tea Type Based on Cultivar Yabukita : やぶきた Benifuuki:べにふうき

Other Very Popular Japanese Tea Types Genmai-cha: 玄米茶 Houji-cha: ほうじ茶 Guricha (AKA Tamaryokucha): ぐり茶 玉緑茶 Kamairicha : 釜炒り茶 Kuradashicha : 蔵出し茶 Yanagi : やなぎ Umecha : 梅茶 Umekonbucha : 梅昆布茶 Fukucha: 副茶

Non-Camellia Sinensis Tea Mugicha : 麦茶 Sobacha : そば茶 Gobocha : ごぼう茶 Konbucha : 昆布茶 Genpicha : 原肥茶

Herbal Tea

Caffeine Free Tea Angelica Keiskei Tea: 明日葉茶 Azuki Tea (Red Bean): あずき茶 Bamboo Tea: クマ笹の葉茶 Barley Tea: 大麦茶 Black Bean Tea: 黒豆茶 Evening Primrose Tea: 月見草茶 Eye Drop Tree Tea: 目薬の木 Fig Tea: イチジク茶 Ginkgo Tea: 銀杏葉茶 Horsetail: スギナ Mulberry Tea: 桑の葉茶 Persimmon Tea: 柿の葉茶 Tochu Tea: 杜仲葉 Wolfberry Tea クコの葉茶 Yacon Tea ヤーコン

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